少女在荒蕪的世界睜開眼,聽到來螢幕前「你」的聲音。 你可以指示她的行動,替她解開謎團、迴避危險,尋找離開這裡的方法。當然,你也可以不這麼做,甚至更壞心點,刻意讓她死亡……開玩笑地,你肯定不會那樣做吧? Alice’s World is a story-driven 2D adventure puzzle game. Amidst desolate ruins and deserted cities in a world filled with death, the young girl Alice hears “your” voice from in front of the screen. You must guide her forward, solve the mysteries, and reach the top of the tower.
STORIA於2016年成立,專注於二次元敘事遊戲,挖掘平凡日常中,細膩而深刻的感情。期待透過遊戲,帶來嶄新的視角及娛樂體驗。 Founded in 2016, STORIA is dedicated to creating narrative-driven games set in vibrant, anime-inspired worlds. We focus on uncovering the delicate and profound emotions hidden within everyday life. Through our games, we strive to offer fresh perspectives and provide players with unique, engaging entertainment experiences.