時間遊民 – 《星環便利店》

時間遊民 – 《星環便利店》


《星環便利店》是一款沉浸式敘事遊戲,設置在一個未來世界中,以一家名為「星環」的便利店為中心。玩家將扮演實習生Amo,她即將踏上她的第一個夜班。這原本看似例行的工作很快便陷入了無盡的時間循環中。Amo必須利用每個循環中獲得的知識,尋找逃脫的途徑。 在遊戲中,你將探索這家便利店,與古怪且獨特的顧客互動,揭開他們的故事,蒐集線索,進行欺騙和偵查,並逐步解開時間循環的來源以及世界中的深層陰謀。你的目標是逃離這無盡的夜班,回到家中。 《星環便利店》深入探討了人際連結與高度未來化社會中人們的原子化。遊戲的核心圍繞著角色發展,玩家與角色之間的互動將塑造故事的展開。作為一款信息驅動的遊戲,與顧客互動、體驗他們的故事並在每個循環中發現線索至關重要。透過獨特的偵探系統,玩家可以蒐集資訊、形成推測,並影響敘事,推動故事走向更深層且不可逆轉的結局。 Star Ring Convenience Store is an immersive narrative game set in a futuristic world, centered around a convenience store named “Star Ring.” Players step into the shoes of Amo, an intern embarking on her first night shift. What starts as a routine job quickly spirals into an unending time loop. Amo must leverage her knowledge from each loop to find a way out. Explore the store, interact with eccentric and unique customers, uncover their stories, gather clues, deceive and detect, and unravel the source of the time loops and deeper conspiracies within the world. Your goal is to escape the never-ending shift and return home. Star Ring Convenience Store delves into themes of human connection and societal atomization in a highly futuristic setting. The game’s core revolves around its characters, and the way players interact with them shapes the unfolding story. As an information game, interacting with customers, experiencing their stories, and discovering clues across the loops is paramount. Utilizing a unique detective system, players can gather information, form assumptions, and influence the narrative, driving it to deeper and irreversible outcomes.




時間遊民/ChroNomad Production 是一家由遊戲設計專業的在校生和畢業生於 2023 年成立的獨立遊戲工作室。我們致力於將劇情與遊戲機制緊密結合,創造出既有趣好玩,又富有深遠意義的敘事遊戲。作為一個以製作敘事遊戲為主的團隊,我們的目標是打破傳統,打造高度可玩性和互動性兼具的創新敘事體驗。我們的核心團隊由五名成員組成,同時也有其他成員以兼職形式協助我們推進項目。我們的首款遊戲《星環便利店》正在開發中,展現了我們對引人入勝的劇情和獨特遊戲機制的熱情與追求。 ChroNomad Production is an independent game studio founded in 2023 by students and graduates specializing in game design. We aim to tightly integrate narrative and gameplay mechanics to create games that are not only fun but also deeply meaningful. As a team focused on crafting narrative-driven games, our goal is to break traditional molds and create innovative storytelling experiences that are highly engaging and interactive. Our core team consists of five members, with additional part-time contributors who help us advance our projects. Our first game, Star Ring Convenience Store, is currently in development, reflecting our passion for compelling stories and unique game mechanics.

時間遊民 – 《星環便利店》


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    時間遊民 – 《星環便利店》