KaraMeta 是您專屬的VR卡拉OK ~ 在這裡您可以演唱各種類型的歌曲,根據您的喜好調整音場、音調和導唱。 和朋友一起玩籃球機、棒球機、在泳池畔享受燃放煙火的浪漫之夜。 我們會即時更新歌曲清單,一起來 KaraMeta 向大家展示您的歌聲吧! KaraMeta is your VR Karaoke Box. Sing various types of songs, adjust the Sound Stage, Vocal Guide, and Pitch as you like.Play Basketball Arcade Machine, Baseball Pitching Machine with friends,or just mess up the party for fun.Enjoy a romantic night of setting off fireworks by the pool. We update the latest song list.Practice new songs and show everyone your singing voice!
2019年1月成立於台北的新創VR/AR遊戲公司,關鍵研發人員皆具10年以上遊戲開發經驗。以VR/AR遊戲為開發主軸,結合PC、手機及其他硬體關聯遊戲。採用多元合作模式,包括線上虛擬平台、線下VR體驗館,打造自有品牌IP,無論XR互動、技術、設計、美術等皆經驗豐富、創意卓越,是Total Solution 的整合設計團隊。 Fun2 STUDIO, found in 2019 was established by a few core team members from XPEC VR team. With solid software and hardware integration experience, Fun2 STUDIO aim at becoming tier-1 VR gaming content company in GCR. The content might integrate with Arcade which marks one of the innovation playing model in gaming industry.