沉沒意志是以2D手繪動畫和台灣近未來背景為特色和的文字冒險遊戲,以打造流暢、精彩、參與感強的敘事體驗為核心製作。玩家在遊戲過程中將扮演一個入侵主角戴士傑大腦的神祕意識。透過被迫控制戴士傑的身體,一步一步與他一起解開謎團。 MINDS BENEATH US is an emotional sci-fi narrative game. Through the eyes of a humble individual, experience a mad world where humans are exploited as computing devices for AI. Listen to the concerns of those you meet and offer guidance. Together, face challenges and confront an uncertain destiny.
熊骨工作室是一間成立於2019年,有7位核心開發者組成的獨立遊戲公司。我們致力於呈現令人印象深刻的故事給玩家。第一款遊戲作品為《沉沒意志》,並正在積極開發第二款作品。 BearBone Studio is an indie game company founded in 2019, consisting of 7 core developers. In 2024, We released our first official game, ‘Minds Beneath Us’. Our goal is to tell inspiring stories for our players through breathtaking art design and stylish gameplay. We welcome you to join us!