
Indie Team Register

G-EIGHT Game Show - Creator Zone Registration

Phase 4 Registration Deadline









Event Info

G-EIGHT is not just the perfect venue for deep interactions between players and developers; it’s also an excellent stage for promoting games, getting player feedback, and sparking creative collaborations with others!

  • Event Date: November 29, 2024 – December 1, 2024
  • Exhibition Hours: 11:00 AM – 7:00 PM
  • Event Venue: Taipei Expo Dome

Take a Look Back at 2023 G-EIGHT


“This is truly a game expo for the players! Personally, I think the most rewarding part is the face-to-face interaction with game developers and exhibitors. I get to learn about their game concepts and the challenges they faced during development straight from the developers themselves, and they get to hear our thoughts on their games directly from us. This back-and-forth exchange is incredibly valuable to me.”

— 2023 Participant @kun0318


Registration Categories

Indie Game
Adult Game
Table Game
Student Developer Zone


Registraion Process

Submit Registration

Payment of Registration Fee

Review Qualifications

Submission of Promotional Materials

Notification of Approval

G-EIGHT 2024!

Important Notes

  • After submitting your registration information, please whitelist “business@geight.io” to ensure you don’t miss any important notifications from the event organizers.
  • The review process for registration qualifications takes about 10 business days, and the results will be sent via email.
  • The organizer will consider the time you submit your remittance information, not the actual remittance time, as the basis for payment. Please pay attention to this detail.
  • Invoices for the exhibition fees will be sent electronically after the registration period ends.
  • A pre-exhibition briefing is scheduled for early October 2024 (the exact date and format will be announced later).

Registraion and Review Timeline


Registration Approval Confirmation Deadline of Remittance Info
07/01-07/14  07/15 07/31
07/15-07/31 08/01 08/14
08/01-08/14 08/15 08/31
08/15-08/31 09/01 09/14


Who Can Register for the Creator Zone?

(I) Indie Game: Independently developed games for general audiences.

(H) Rated Game: Independently developed games intended for adult audiences.

(B) Board Game: Independently developed games focusing on board game concepts.

(O) Non-Taiwanese Developed Game: Independently developed games by teams with no Taiwanese members.

(S) Student-developed Game: Independently developed games by current students or recent graduates.

Cancellation and Refund Policy
  1. If payment is not completed by the deadline after approval, the organizer will automatically cancel the exhibitor’s qualification.
  2. If an exhibitor who has completed payment is unable to participate, they must notify the organizer via email. The refund policy is as follows:
    • For cancellations requested before August 31, 2024, the organizer will deduct necessary remittance handling fees from the paid amount, and the remaining fee will be refunded after the exhibition ends.
    • For cancellations requested after August 31, 2024, the organizer will forfeit the entire fee, and no refund will be given.
Can I Choose My Booth Location?

Booths for this event will be assigned by the organizer. Selection of booth locations is not available.

When Will I Receive Registration Confirmation?
  • For registrations submitted between July 1 and July 14, the review notification will be sent on July 15.
  • For registrations submitted between July 15 and July 31, the review notification will be sent on August 1.
  • For registrations submitted between August 1 and August 14, the review notification will be sent on August 15.
  • For registrations submitted between August 15 and August 31, the review notification will be sent on September 1.
Can I Change My Information After Registering?

Modifications to registration information are not allowed during the review period. Please ensure all details are accurate when filling out the registration form. After successful registration, the organizer will collect the correct information about the exhibits again before the event.

Join Us Now!

2024 G-EIGHT

Game Show

Phase 4 Registration Deadline









G-EIGHT Registration (business@geight.io)
